When canvas is out of reach…
My father was a true artist. The world was his inspiration, and his surroundings became his canvas. When times were tough and traditional canvas wasn’t accessible, he painted on what was within reach…a pair of jeans, a kitchen tile, fabric, even an old cigar box cover. Nothing could stop the creative mind of this artist, and lack of resources never stood in the way of his brush, pen or marker.
The creative mind has no limits. Whether it’s a pad of paper in the waiting room of a doctor’s office or a sidewalk with chalk nearby – an artist will stop at nothing when they have a vision. Or maybe as a writer, you think of a story in your head while in line at the grocery store and find the need to write it down. Creative inspiration comes in a variety of occupations.
View the mixed media section and see how a true artist can transform common materials into art.
Did you know that Edward Munch’s “Scream” – one of the world’s most recognized works of art – is painted on cardboard?
In fact, one of Stephen King’s best-known works started this way: after waking from a dream during a trans-Atlantic flight, he scribbled his thoughts down on a cocktail napkin, and Misery was born.
What’s the most unusual medium you’ve ever used for your creativity?